What to Expect After Your Vasectomy

What to Expect After Your Vasectomy

Vasectomy is the simplest and safest way to ensure that you don’t have an unwanted pregnancy. Your female partners will thank you. 

But, after you get “snipped,” what is life like? Does vasectomy guarantee that you can’t get anyone pregnant? Will it affect your sex life or your potency? And, is it painful?

Alex Lesani, MD, is an expert urologist in Las Vegas, Nevada, who’s performed thousands of vasectomies. He specializes in no-scalpel vasectomy, which uses tiny punctures instead of incisions. 

If you’ve decided that vasectomy is the way to go, here’s what to expect after your procedure.

You need a ride home

We may give you a sedative to keep you calm and comfortable during the procedure. It takes about a day for the medication to work its way through your system, so you need somebody else to drive you home.

You’re sore

Even though a no-scalpel incision doesn’t require any cutting, we still need to create two punctures, one in each testicle. Through these tiny openings, we insert a miniature tool that removes a portion of each vas deferens and then seals the tubes.

You won’t feel anything during the operation. We numb you ahead of time.

Afterward, though, once the anesthetic wears off, you may need to apply wrapped ice packs for no longer than 20 minutes per hour several times a day for about three days to keep swelling to a minimum. You can take over-the-counter painkillers to manage any discomfort.

You need support

It’s time to play your own granddad and wear some tighties-whities because you can’t let your testicles dangle. Be sure you wear briefs that cradle your scrotum gently. Wear a jockstrap over your boxers if you can’t stand the thought of briefs.

You also need the support of your friends and family because you’re not going to be in the mood to cook, clean, or do any of your normal daily tasks. You won’t even be able to take a stroll to the pharmacy for painkillers for a few days, so either stock up in advance or send a friend or family member.

You should take it easy

Obviously, you shouldn’t rush straight to the gym after Dr. Lesani gives you the OK to go home. In addition to feeling sore, you could strain or bruise your testicles if you’re overly active.

Skip your normal workout routine for at least a week. You should also probably arrange to skip work for a couple of days. After three days, you can return to non-strenuous activities, such as walking. 

And remember, always listen to your body. If you’ve recovered for two weeks but still don’t feel like you could cycle or bench press, permit yourself to take a break. After your recovery period, your body lets you know when it’s ready. And, if anything seems “off” to you or you don’t feel you’ve recovered, call us immediately.

You must avoid sex (for a little while!)

You probably won’t be in the mood for sex, but if a tempting situation arises, you need to refrain. You must avoid all sexual activity for two weeks. That includes:

But after your recovery period, you’re free to enjoy your sexuality again. A vasectomy doesn’t affect your ability to achieve or maintain an erection. You still ejaculate semen. Eventually, though, that semen will be sperm-free.

Stay out of the water

Hot baths are a no-no, as are spas. Hot water won’t help you heal and could set you back. Opt for showers instead of baths for the first two weeks.

In addition, avoid swimming pools and even saunas. Even though a sauna doesn’t immerse you in water, the excess heat won’t be good for your recovery.

We need to count your little guys

A vasectomy is 99% effective against pregnancy if you follow all your post-op instructions. That includes continuing to use birth control until your ejaculate is sperm free.

After about 20-30 ejaculations, three months after your vasectomy, your ejaculate should be sperm-free. However, we test your semen to be sure. If we detect sperm, we repeat the test later. 

Approximately 15 in 10,000 couples get pregnant in the year following a vasectomy. So don’t neglect birth control until we assure you you have a sperm count of 0.

You may still need condoms

If you’re single, in an open relationship, or have multiple partners, you need to wear condoms when you have sex. Although vasectomies prevent pregnancy, they offer no protection against sexually transmitted diseases (STDs). 

If you’re ready for Snip City, call us today for a vasectomy appointment at 702-470-2579. You can also book your appointment online.

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